Guitar, Ukelele, and Banjo
12 Week Course
INDIVIDUAL and GROUP Classes Available
Guitar lessons can help students learn one of the most popular instruments in the world! You can explore your own interests by studying folk, rock, pop, or classical guitar. You might join a band, play in a musical or jazz band, or simply play for your own pleasure.
Not sure where to start? Sign up for one of our group classes. Courses are at a reduced cost, with more instruction time, and increased community learning.
Dan Caraway
Dan Caraway is a musician and teacher living in Dubuque, Iowa who believes we all have music “in us” and making music can be fun and rewarding for everyone regardless of age or experience.
He studied with several of the region’s best classical guitarists and began teaching professionally in 1993 offering private and class instruction at Grinnell College, Cornell College, Iowa City Guitar Foundation, Dubuque Art Center, Dubuque Guitar School, as well as various after-school programs.
Dan has been active as a performer, including solo and performances with the Iowa Guitar Trio (Iowa City); Russian Guitar Quartet; the Fast Clydes; Hard Day’s Night (Beatles cover band); and various other performances in the region.